I'll be honest, writing about the 5 Biological Laws has been a challenge and taking long breaks in between posts has been less than ideal. But I started this series and I am going to finish it. It's been a challenge but it's allowed me to gain a different perspective on health and disease, which I want to share with whoever cares to read this. Then I go back to writing about things like the health benefits of eating Kale. So here we go....
The Third Biological Law. Through this law we get to understand that the location of the concentric rings in the brain, the symptoms in the organs or other parts of the body and the biological conflict are related. If you remember, in the last post I spoke about the DHS (the Biological Shock) starting a SBS (Special Biological and Sensible program), which runs simultaneously on three levels: The psyche, the brain (concentric rings seen on brain CT) and the organ. We can make a connection when we place this in the context of the embryonic and evolutionary development of the human body. The third law outlines how and when cell proliferation (growth) or function augmentation occurs in our bodies. The understanding of this law relies on embryology, the study of the human embryo as well as evolutionary theory. Here we learn that different tissues are connected (and controlled by) different parts of the brain. Throughout evolution we have become more complex beings and you may know that the more basic functions are controlled by the brain stem, which is the old brain, whereas other functions or parts are controlled by the outer layers of the brain. The following illustration shows very specifically what parts of our bodies are connected, in other words these body parts are grouped together because they share the same origin in terms of their embryological development and they react the same throughout the various phases following a biological conflict.
While the ectoderm germ layer is very clearly part of the new brain and the endoderm layer part of the old brain, the mesoderm is actually split between old and new. The cerebral medulla is part of the new brain, while the cerebellum is controlled be the old brain.
This is important because Special Biological Programs controlled by the new brain all reduce function and create cell loss or necrosis in the conflict active phase. On the other hand, those SBS controlled by the old brain (the brainstem and the cerebellum) do the opposite, they cause cell proliferation and increase function during the active phase of a conflict and after resolution processes occur that help get rid of the cells that are no longer needed. The following illustration may help:
The understanding of this law allows us to see that there is growth of cells to respond to an active conflict and there is cell growth to repair tissue that has lost cells due to an active conflict that has been resolved. Both, however, are biologically sensible.
Now, rather than seeing cell growth or other symptoms as either malignant or due to a total deficiency of the immune system, we can understand these processes in the context of the phases of the biological conflict. We can realize that we are in an active conflict phase and seek to resolve it quickly or we can understand that the conflict has in fact been resolved, that we are experiencing the body's repair process and seek to alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms.
If you wish to read more about the Third Biological Law and get detailed information about the specific body parts and where they fit in this context, you can check out the following link:
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