Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Third Biological Law

I'll be honest, writing about the 5 Biological Laws has been a challenge and taking long breaks in between posts has been less than ideal. But I started this series and I am going to finish it. It's been a challenge but it's allowed me to gain a different perspective on health and disease, which I want to share with whoever cares to read this. Then I go back to writing about things like the health benefits of eating Kale. So here we go....

The Third Biological Law. Through this law we get to understand that the location of the concentric rings in the brain, the symptoms in the organs or other parts of the body and the biological conflict are related. If you remember, in the last post I spoke about the DHS (the Biological Shock) starting a SBS (Special Biological and Sensible program), which runs simultaneously on three levels: The psyche, the brain (concentric rings seen on brain CT) and the organ. We can make a connection when we place this  in the context of the embryonic and evolutionary development of the human body. The third law outlines how and when cell proliferation (growth) or function augmentation occurs in our bodies. The understanding of this law relies on embryology, the study of the human embryo as well as evolutionary theory. Here we learn that different tissues are connected (and controlled by) different parts of the brain. Throughout evolution we have become more complex beings and you may know that the more basic functions are controlled by the brain stem, which is the old brain, whereas other functions or parts are controlled by the outer layers of the brain. The following illustration shows very specifically  what parts of our bodies are connected, in other words these body parts are grouped together because they share the same origin in terms of their embryological development and they react the same throughout the various phases following a biological conflict.
While the ectoderm germ layer is very clearly part of the new brain and the endoderm layer part of the old brain, the mesoderm is actually split between old and new. The cerebral medulla is part of the new brain, while the cerebellum is controlled be the old brain. 
This is important because Special Biological Programs controlled by the new brain all reduce function and create cell loss or necrosis in the conflict active phase. On the other hand, those SBS controlled by the old brain (the brainstem and the cerebellum) do the opposite, they cause cell proliferation and increase function during the active phase of a conflict and after resolution processes occur that help get rid of the cells that are no longer needed. The following illustration may help:

The understanding of this law allows us to see that there is growth of cells to respond to an active conflict and there is cell growth to repair tissue that has lost cells due to an active conflict that has been resolved. Both, however, are biologically sensible. 
Now, rather than seeing cell growth or other symptoms as either malignant or due to a total deficiency of the immune system, we can understand these processes in the context of the phases of the biological conflict. We can realize that we are in an active conflict phase and seek to resolve it quickly or we can understand that the conflict has in fact been resolved, that we are experiencing the body's repair process and seek to alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms. 

If you wish to read more about the Third Biological Law and get detailed information about the specific body parts and where they fit in this context, you can check out the following link:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Second Biological Law

My intention was to write more often and move through this subject matter faster, I apologize for the long wait time in between posts but I am too busy with my ski guiding job and can only produce blog posts when I have time off. So here we go...

I think before I launch into the second biological law, I am going to briefly talk about how Dr. Hamer came to make any of these discoveries in the first place. Dr. Hamer experienced a very powerful DHS, a very tragic event in his life. It was the sudden death of his son Dirk Hamer (hence DHS - Dirk Hamer Syndrome). He developed testicular cancer after this event and could not help but think that there may be some correlation. He began interviewing female patient who had ovarian cancers and found that not only did all of them also experience a DHS, but the conflict content was also similar: the loss of a loved one. He then went on to study embryology (the study of embryonic growth) and began piecing together conflict content with parts of the body. At the same time he discovered that the brain, which of course runs all of the body's processes, also physically manifested the existence of an active conflict. This happens in the form of concentric rings in the specific region of the brain that controls the affected organ. This means that when a DHS activates a Special & Biologically Sensible program (SBS), this program runs on three levels: The brain, the psyche and the organ. But let's talk about the Second Biological Law.

The Second Biological Law covers the two phases of every Special & Biologically Sensible program. Every SBS, if it is successfully resolved has two phases. The first phase is described as sympathicotonic, which is the Active Conflict phase. The second phase is described as vagotonic or reparation phase, which occurs after the conflict is resolved.
So starting with the DHS, we enter the first phase of the SBS program, sympathicotonia or it is also called the cold phase. We are tense, think almost obsessively about the conflict, our blood vessels are constricted (hence we have cold hands and feet) and our body releases noradrenalin and we can't sleep well. During this phase we generally don't feel any other symptoms and the phase ends with the resolution of the conflict. The duration of the AC (Active Conflict) phase depends on our capacity to resolve the conflict and the duration of the next phase corresponds directly to the length and intensity of the first phase.
This should help explain why earlier examples of small DHS experiences such as opening a bathroom door of an occupied stall don't result in the development of any disease. The DHS is experienced, I enter an active conflict state and immediately resolve the conflict therefore there is very little or no need for a repair phase.
The Post-conflictolysis phase, which is the phase after the conflict has been resolved is where things get 'interesting'. This is when we experience most symptoms and it is the phase we generally call disease. This phase is described as vagotonic and is characterized as a hot, expansive phase with fatigue, swelling, aches, pains, fever and the dilation of blood vessels. The duration of this phase, again, depends on how long, intense and hard the Active Conflict phase had been. According to this new knowledge we cannot shorten this phase, you can't heal the healing. We can only contain some of the most important symptoms, modulate the excessive vagotonia and help the patient by relieving some of the symptoms. But ultimately the body has to repair itself. If we reactivate the conflict, following recurrences become much longer in duration and are diagnosed as chronic or autoimmune diseases. The following diagram helps illustrate the various phases.

The epileptioid crisis is a turning point in the recovery phase, where the body experiences a short return to conflict active phase. Examples of an epileptoid crisis include sneezing, vomiting, muscle cramps, an actual epileptic crisis and even a heart attack. The epileptiod crisis can be dangerous of the conflict was very intense and resolution sudden. 

So far we have discussed the DHS and how it is be starting point for the activation of SBS programs. We talked about the fact that these programs run on three levels simultaneously: The brain, the psyche and the organ. Finally we discussed how the SBS programs run in specific phases. Up next we will check out the third biological law which explains how different types of tissue change their function depending on their phase: Active Conflict, Post Conflictolysis or the end of the SBS program.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The First Biological Law

In my last post I set the stage by talking about the fundamental shift in thinking required by the 5 Biological Laws. I used the analogy of changing the room and mentioned that to explore this new concept you have to fully step into it and resist the temptation to evaluate it with one leg still in the previous room. Doctors are fully committed to their understanding of health in order to do their work. Their understanding is based on a 'mechanical' model where outside forces 'attack' the body or parts break because of some genetic coding (aka bad luck). You could imagine that if a doctor or scientist held on to the old paradigm of disease as a result of sin it would be difficult for them to really understand or accept the current 'mechanical' model. The 5 Biological Laws open the door to an entirely new way of practicing medicine where the patient no longer simply hands over his body to be 'healed' by the doctor. Instead the patient and doctor, together, determine the exact cause of the symptoms, the current phase of the process and the doctor then has the ability to support the patient and alleviate some of the symptoms. Using the 5 Biological Laws it is possible to gain a much more accurate understanding of why we get sick instead of a myriad of possible causes. One of the fundamental views held by Hamer is that nothing in nature happens by chance or accidentally. He refused to accept that just because something was present 50 or 60 percent of the time a certain disease developed, that this could be described as the cause. We don't have biological fathers 60 percent of the time, we have a biological father and mother 100 percent of the time. So he applied the same rigorous standard to his research, demanding that each law be verifiable in 100% of patients.

So, the first biological law creates an understanding regarding the origin of disease. The cause of disease is a very precise event, defined by Hamer as a biological conflict. Again, a different room all together, not a weak immune system, genetic coding (aka bad luck), but a precise experience. Disease is also not caused by generic stress or psychological conflict either. These areas have been the subject of psychosomatic research but are no more accurate than the field of genetics where because a certain gene is present and active in SOME of the cases it is determined to be a cause.
The origin of all disease, from the common cold to cancer, according to the first biological law is a biological conflict, which is defined as an "acute shock - an unexpected, dramatic event, experienced with a sense of isolation." Hamer named this "shock"  DHS, which stands for Dirk Hamer Syndrome, to honor the memory of his son who died in a tragic accident, an event which caused Hamer to begin his research.
It is important to point out that the biological conflict has very specific qualities as mentioned above, these are as follows:

1. It is immediate and unexpected, therefore the mind has no time to fully contemplate the event. It is not something you see coming, but an unexpected event that catches you off guard.

2. It is acute in the sense that it happens in a fraction of a second.

3. At the time of this event, the person feels detached from the world and experiences that moment with a sense of solitude.

An example of a small, insignificant "shock" is if we open the door to a public washroom, which someone forgot to lock and find ourselves face to face with the occupant. In an instant our body reacts on several levels. We hold our breath, muscles contract, adrenalin is released and all of this happened without us thinking it through and planning our reaction. The biological shock, or DHS, is not a bad thing. Life is full of them and our bodies have adapted to them by reacting in a way that helps us overcome the conflict in a timely manner. Think of a mouse that sees a cat, it doesn't think about the best way to deal with this situation, it just runs. Automatically its body releases adrenalin, increases its heart rate, constricts its veins and increases the performance of its lungs. The state following the experience of a DHS is called sympathicotonia, where you experience vasoconstriction and therefore have cold hands and feet, increased heart rate and have difficulty sleeping or eating and obsessively think about the problem until you can solve it. This makes sense from a biological, evolutionary view point, which is why Hamer called the body's responses to these conflicts SBS - Special and Biologically Sensible programs (instead of disease).

In our culture, we hold the belief that only the intellect analyses, processes and organizes situations. Hamer, however, is talking about a direct, biological, unfiltered feeling. And he supports his view with the study of evolution. So when he speaks of a biologically sensible program, it is sensible for survival, for adaptation and the preservation of the species. Hamer uses simple animal language in order to describe these biological conflicts such "being unable to mark the territory", "sensing danger (as in the sense of smell)", "being unable to swallow or digest" etc. Of course we experience these situations differently today than we would have earlier in our evolution, or how other animals still experience them today. For example "missing a morsel of food" for an animal actually means starvation, whereas we can have the same experience when we go bankrupt, lose our job or our home because those situations threaten our ability to provide food and shelter for us and our families.

At the moment of the DHS, the body experiences a situation that is very significant from a biological viewpoint. All the elements of that situation, so the smells, sounds, objects, food that was ingested are registered by the body in a framework along the with the context of the emotional content. From then on, any one of these elements can remind the body and reactivate the same SBS. This is called a "conflicting track" which covers allergies, chronic diseases and auto-immune diseases. This will be covered futher, later on.

For now lets look at some examples to help us with our understanding so far. An animal that is experiencing a starvation conflict react with cell proliferation in the liver in order to better digest what little food it may find. As mentioned, humans can experience the same biological conflict in situations such as a job loss. The biological conflict is subjective to the experience, not the event. In other words, two people can have different experiences of the same event. One person may have a "starvation conflict" because the job is clearly the means to put food on the table, while another person looses their job and feels "devalued". Both experiences are biologically, fundamentally different and will activate different responses in the body.
Here is another example: A mother goes to the grocery store with her son. While she is shopping, she looses track of her child and all of a sudden notices that he is gone. Any parent who has experienced this kind of situation can probably confirm that the experience is acute, dramatic, and experienced with a sense of isolation. The shopping list no longer exists and the experience is all consuming, heart is racing etc. At this point the experience of the mother determines the activation of the SBS. The mother may feel as though the child was "torn from her breast" because on the way in she perceived someone looking at the child in a suspicious way and in this case the activated program would be one related to the milk ducts. However, she may feel "devalued" because she did not pay close enough attention to her child and this would result in the activation of a program related to the skeleton. If she felt a great sense of urgency to "act quickly" her thyroid glands may become involved.

The point here is that, what is important is the persons experience rather than the event itself. The biological conflict of the experience relates to the biological function of the affected system. For example, the urinary system is in charge of gathering and expelling urine, but biologically it is also used to "mark one's territory". If this relates to the content of a biological conflict such as when my boss tells me to take down the pictures I've hung up in my office, then it is possible that a SBS is activated that is in charge of the urinary track's epithelium. Now, if the conflict is intense enough and lasts for a long enough time, then the resolution may involve a cystitis or urethritis.

At this point I want to finish this post with the following clarification. Not every time we experience a DHS do we develop detectable symptoms, the intensity and duration of the conflict determine the intensity and duration of the SBS and we will go into more depth about the course of events following a DHS.
Also, I am not saying that diseases are not potentially dangerous or life threatening. But I do believe they are misunderstood processes under the current medical model and the understanding of the 5 biological laws can offer a more precise approach that also allows the patient to deal with symptoms without being filled with confusion, frustration or consumed by blind fear and panic.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The 5 Biological Laws - A New Paradigm for Medicine

I haven't written anything in a while and now I am about to launch in a somewhat daunting task of writing about the 5 Biological Laws. Part of the reason I haven't been writing is because I often wrote about topics I was currently reading about. Well, for the past few months I have been mostly reading about this topic and I just haven't felt ready to dive into this one. Actually I still don't feel ready and I hope I don't botch this one, but here we go...

The next few blog entries will be my attempt to provide an understanding of the 5 Biological Laws as discovered by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. I am using the book 'Disease is another thing!' (I imagine the title is somewhat less awkward in italian...) written by Marco Pfister and Simona Cella. The 5 Biological Laws, which were called 'New Medicine' by Dr. Hamer, give an entirely new understanding of how diseases develop. It answers both how and why we get sick and requires a complete shift in paradigm of medicine. To describe what I mean by shift in paradigm, let me share the analogy used in the book of "changing the room". Our fundamental view on health is that of a battle field, where our immune system fights disease which is "bad". Now, whether you have a completely allopathic view and believe that diseases must be fought with aggressive drugs and surgeries or prescribe more to the naturopathic / holistic view of treating the whole person, supporting the immune system in order to heal the person, fundamentally the view point remains the same. That is: the disease is bad and needs to be fought. To get back to the my analogy, you can re-arrange a bunch of furniture and even bring in a whole bunch of new furniture, but ultimately you are still in the same room, a room that is defined by the philosophy of the battle field. What the 5 Biological Laws require is that you step into a completely different room. This of course can be a challenge because you will be tempted to evaluate this new room based on what you learned in the previous one. In other words, if you've always known the world to be the center of the universe and flat, then the thought of a round planet that orbits the sun can be a challenge.
So I hope for those who read the next few blog entries, that you will allow yourself to step into a new way to look at health and what we call disease. If you find yourself intrigued, I hope you will explore this subject a bit further. I will do my best to provide you with some more resources in English. I also want to caution you from looking up Dr. Hamer on Wikipedia and forming your opinion on this entire subject solely on what you find there.
Finally, I want to clarify that the 5 Biological Laws are not a new form of treatment or therapy. They are a set of laws that provide an entirely different framework for describing the complex and complicated phenomena of "health" and "disease". The beauty of them lies in their simplicity as well as in the fact that they are verifiable by everyone. Once you fully understand this subject matter (and this may require a bit more than simply reading the next few blog entries here) you will be able to verify these laws next time you 'catch and cold' for example.
So I hope you will allow yourself to be challenged in your views and go on a journey with me. Remember that if history has taught us anything, it's that chances are, what we currently know to be the truth isn't really. At some point, it was believed that disease was punishment from god for our sins and thank goodness we got over that one! (at least most us did...) So, give this a try and see if this can serve us as a better model for explaining what happens in our bodies.