I think before I launch into the second biological law, I am going to briefly talk about how Dr. Hamer came to make any of these discoveries in the first place. Dr. Hamer experienced a very powerful DHS, a very tragic event in his life. It was the sudden death of his son Dirk Hamer (hence DHS - Dirk Hamer Syndrome). He developed testicular cancer after this event and could not help but think that there may be some correlation. He began interviewing female patient who had ovarian cancers and found that not only did all of them also experience a DHS, but the conflict content was also similar: the loss of a loved one. He then went on to study embryology (the study of embryonic growth) and began piecing together conflict content with parts of the body. At the same time he discovered that the brain, which of course runs all of the body's processes, also physically manifested the existence of an active conflict. This happens in the form of concentric rings in the specific region of the brain that controls the affected organ. This means that when a DHS activates a Special & Biologically Sensible program (SBS), this program runs on three levels: The brain, the psyche and the organ. But let's talk about the Second Biological Law.
The Second Biological Law covers the two phases of every Special & Biologically Sensible program. Every SBS, if it is successfully resolved has two phases. The first phase is described as sympathicotonic, which is the Active Conflict phase. The second phase is described as vagotonic or reparation phase, which occurs after the conflict is resolved.
So starting with the DHS, we enter the first phase of the SBS program, sympathicotonia or it is also called the cold phase. We are tense, think almost obsessively about the conflict, our blood vessels are constricted (hence we have cold hands and feet) and our body releases noradrenalin and we can't sleep well. During this phase we generally don't feel any other symptoms and the phase ends with the resolution of the conflict. The duration of the AC (Active Conflict) phase depends on our capacity to resolve the conflict and the duration of the next phase corresponds directly to the length and intensity of the first phase.
This should help explain why earlier examples of small DHS experiences such as opening a bathroom door of an occupied stall don't result in the development of any disease. The DHS is experienced, I enter an active conflict state and immediately resolve the conflict therefore there is very little or no need for a repair phase.
The Post-conflictolysis phase, which is the phase after the conflict has been resolved is where things get 'interesting'. This is when we experience most symptoms and it is the phase we generally call disease. This phase is described as vagotonic and is characterized as a hot, expansive phase with fatigue, swelling, aches, pains, fever and the dilation of blood vessels. The duration of this phase, again, depends on how long, intense and hard the Active Conflict phase had been. According to this new knowledge we cannot shorten this phase, you can't heal the healing. We can only contain some of the most important symptoms, modulate the excessive vagotonia and help the patient by relieving some of the symptoms. But ultimately the body has to repair itself. If we reactivate the conflict, following recurrences become much longer in duration and are diagnosed as chronic or autoimmune diseases. The following diagram helps illustrate the various phases.
The epileptioid crisis is a turning point in the recovery phase, where the body experiences a short return to conflict active phase. Examples of an epileptoid crisis include sneezing, vomiting, muscle cramps, an actual epileptic crisis and even a heart attack. The epileptiod crisis can be dangerous of the conflict was very intense and resolution sudden.
So far we have discussed the DHS and how it is be starting point for the activation of SBS programs. We talked about the fact that these programs run on three levels simultaneously: The brain, the psyche and the organ. Finally we discussed how the SBS programs run in specific phases. Up next we will check out the third biological law which explains how different types of tissue change their function depending on their phase: Active Conflict, Post Conflictolysis or the end of the SBS program.