Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lemon Pepper Fish

For the longest time I had no idea how to cook fish. I really had no idea how to cook, in general, but even when I started to take some cooking baby steps I didn't cook much fish because I didn't know how to prepare it. Looking back now, I think that was pretty silly, after all, I just needed to look at a recipe and give it a shot! That's really all it takes when it comes to cooking and now we have thousands of recipes at our fingertips online.
Not long ago I wrote about a student of mine, who told me he wanted to learn more about nutrition and cooking because he was aware that he was not feeding his body well enough. I've been trying to think of an easy recipe ever since, which he'd be able to make and that would be a healthy meal. Well, I decided that tonight's meal, really wasn't that hard to make and so I am going to challenge Francois to make it on his own. Here it goes:

The Meal: A salad, some white fish and rice. Bonus points for Zucchini!

Servings: 2 (Francois plus date)


1 Zucchini - medium/large sliced length-wise
Lettuce or a small box of baby greens
3 Tomatoes - Sliced
2 green onions - Chopped
Salad Dressing - See Flo's Notoriously Delicious Salad Dressing
White Fish of your choice
2 Cups of brown rice
1 Lemon
Olive oil


Start out by getting the rice going and just follow the instructions of the rice you buy. A general rule for 2 cups of rice would be to combine it with 4 cups of water (or broth for more flavor) and bring it to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer with a lid on until the liquid is absorbed.
Place the fish in a bake pan or ceramic dish and pre-heat oven to 450 F.
Take the lemon and rasp some of the rind over the fish, then squeeze half of the lemon juice over the fish as well. Pour a little olive oil over fish and add salt and pepper. Bake fish for about 15 min, then switch to broil and let the fish crisp a little (you'll have to keep a close eye on it at this point to avoid burning it!).
Slice the Zucchini length wise and place the slices in a pan with olive oil. Add salt and pepper, and fry on both sides. You can add a little bit of soy sauce here to give more flavor.
The green onions, tomatoes and lettuce are for the salad and with the salad dressing it's worth making enough for several days while your at it.

Good luck, and enjoy!

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