Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Value of Friends

A large scale study of nurses in the US found that women with breast cancer who could name ten friends had a four times higher chance of surviving than those who could not. It didn't matter if these friends were close by, it was simply the sense of connectedness that was important. A study done in Sweden on 736 men found that friendships had as strong an effect on health as being married, while the feelings of isolation and loneliness are matched in their adverse affect on health only by smoking.

To me this means we are all connected and this connection is vital to our survival. It means I must remember to reach out. I have had quite the journey over the last few years with cancer and I have also been blessed with incredible support from friends and my family. The experiences I have shared with the people around me deserve more than what I intend to write here tonight. Tonight I happen to be really full, because some wonderful friends took us out for dinner (Indian food! ;-) and now we going do play some games.

But I hope you think about your connection to the world and people close to you! If you're feeling strong, be a rock for someone who's having a hard time. When the time comes around and you feel like curling up in someone's arms and crying, then hopefully you'll have someone who will be your rock!

Peace and Love!

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